How is Therapy Working Out for You?

Two yellow seats in a brightly lit room with a table and plant in between them. This may represent a therapy setting.

The year is 2021, and you are still on the fence about whether or not there are benefits to therapy in general, or for yourself personally. Perhaps you have spent a lot of time surrounded by people who have stigmatized therapy, therapists, psychology, or any number of mental health outlets and components. Perhaps you haven’t […]

Getting Started and Keeping Up; How to Make Lasting Change

a notebook with a pen and a laptop on top

There is a relationship between our thoughts, feelings, and actions. We know that the way we think affects the way we feel and act. And it is usually the way we feel that sounds the alarm that something has to change in our lives. Most often, in therapy, people complain about feeling too anxious or […]

Medication – To Take or Not To Take

A woman is seated on a couch, her hand resting on her face as she appears to be trying to control her emotions.

When getting help for your mental health needs you may end up considering whether adding medication will be helpful or necessary. Let’s explore… There are two significant benefits of medication. The first would be symptom relief and the second would be to make therapy more effective. Some challenging experiences such as insomnia, sad mood and […]