When ADHD and Depression Coexist
Individuals with ADHD may experience symptoms of depression as a result of the challenges and frustrations associated with managing their ADHD symptoms. The constant struggle to meet expectations, difficulties with focus and organization, and interpersonal issues can contribute to feelings of sadness, low self-esteem, and a sense of inadequacy. When ADHD and depression coexist, the […]
How Does a Fear of Failure Play Into Social Anxiety?
Social Anxiety comes with many fears, such as fear of rejection or fear of judgment. Among those fears that we see most powerful in our therapy practice in Woodland Hills is the fear of failure. You may think of failure when it comes to tasks; therefore, it may seem unusual for fear of failure to […]
How to Cut the Cord to Break Free from Toxic Relationships & Rediscover Yourself
Relationships play a significant role in our lives, shaping our experiences, emotions, and overall well-being. While healthy relationships can uplift and support us, toxic relationships can have the opposite effect, draining us of our energy, self-esteem, and happiness. If you think about a toxic relationship objectively, you may feel the solution is simple: don’t engage […]
Let’s Talk About The Taboo Thoughts in OCD
A key feature of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is having obsessions, but not everybody knows what that might mean. The stereotype about OCD is that the “obsession” part is with wanting things clean and/or organized. While some people may focus on an organization or may compulsively clean and/or organize as part of their OCD, that is […]
What is Skin-Picking and How Can I Get Help?
Have you ever heard of Skin-Picking Disorder, otherwise known as Excoriation? Do you struggle with it? If you find yourself picking at scabs, rashes, or the skin around your nails, you might have had times where you caused healing to slow or drew blood. Even if you find the behavior distressing, you still might not […]
Roommate No More: Navigating the Post-Baby Roommate Phase with Your Partner
While the joy of becoming parents is unparalleled, it also introduces a new set of challenges that can test the strength of a relationship. Most couples complain that their relationship has transitioned from being romantic partners to feeling like mere roommates who are focused solely on parenting duties. While it is natural for priorities to […]
Trichotillomania: You Are Not The Only One Doing It
There are some struggles that are universal. It may feel like we all struggle with anxiety or motivation, or relationship issues. It may seem like there is a social media post or an online blog about these “common” mental health issues to be found everywhere. It is true that most people experience a lot of […]
Do You Struggle with First Date Nerves? Learn How to Manage Them In 3 Easy Steps
The first date – an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience that can make even the most confident individuals break into a cold sweat. Whether you’re meeting someone new or finally going out with that special someone you’ve had your eye on, first-date nerves can take a toll on your confidence and overall enjoyment. But fear not! […]
Do You Like Your Body? 3 Ways to Have Body-Acceptance
Struggling with your body image is a universal experience and simultaneously a deeply personal one. Many of us have been socialized to see our bodies as flawed and to join together to lament our “failings” as a way of bonding and supporting one another. We hear stories about how our bodies “should” look from every […]
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
If you ask most people, they will say they know the importance of getting a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, that knowledge doesn’t always equate to feeling like you can make enough time to get the hours of sleep you might want and/or need. In fact, you may even resist going to sleep as the evening […]