When You are Paralyzed by Shame, Try These 5 Steps to Overcome It:

Women covering her face with her hands, in distress.

The sinking feeling in the stomach, the suffocating grip of dread. This is the feeling of shame; it ties into feelings of not being worthy, or worse yet, deserving bad experiences and misfortunes. It can get a grip on us and refuse to let go, impacting how we make decisions, how we process events and […]

My Partner is Struggling with Mental Health Issues! What can I do?

A girl is holding a cat in her hands affectionately, displaying a loving bond between them.

This time of year is notorious for mental health struggles. Many of us suffer from some winter blues; temporarily kept at bay by holiday lights and festivities, they have a tendency to feel more potent in the early months of a new year. The holiday season may have kept us busy and bolstered us with […]

Do You Struggle With Regret? 3 Ways To Move On From Regrets

a young woman with short hairs looking down

How do you define regret? Are they things you would take back, things you would do differently? Perhaps you regret things you didn’t do as opposed to those you did. What constitutes regret for you? Does an incident have to create a certain amount of damage in order for you to regret it? Does it […]

Trying to Stay Sober During the Holidays? 5 Tips to Maintain Your Recovery

How long have you been in recovery? What are you recovering from? How has your journey been? Answers to these questions will vary depending on your circumstance, but one universally true thing is that being in recovery is hard. There is nothing easy about it. Your decision to quit and your commitment to stay clean […]