3 Skills You Need to Have a Fair Fight in Your Couple’s Relationship!

a young couple sitting and relaxing outside the house and enjoying their morning breakfast while talking to each other.

Communication is key in any relationship; I’m sure you’ve heard that before. This is because communication does so many things. It invites the other person to know our thoughts and feelings; it relays essential information; it helps the other person. It can and should be a combination of what is being said and how it […]

3 Red Flags In Relationships That Most People Don’t Realize Are Red Flags!

couple enjoying their time off while sitting on their car in a open road

Most adults have a bad dating story or an experience. These stories may range from the anecdotal to the bizarre to the downright horrible. Looking back, most people admit that they can “see the red flags” in hindsight. Sometimes, we shake our heads at ourselves or laugh it off. Sometimes, these stories take a long […]

4 Ways to Build Stronger Communication in Your Couple’s Relationship

In this image we see a young black man and black woman sitting together on the couch. In the distance we see the man, and up close we see the woman turned away from the man with her hand on her head.

Communication can seem so simple: we tell each other things all the time. We speak, send text messages, and write notes. We tell each other we’re happy by smiling or angry by frowning. There are so many ways to express or share information! Especially in a relationship where you share your living space with another […]

My Partner Has Social Anxiety! How to Manage Social Anxiety In Relationships

A woman leaning over a man and pointing to his phone while they stand waiting for the subway.

Most of us have experienced an uncomfortable social situation, such as feeling awkward when meeting new people or giving a public speech. These incidents may come and go or disturb our emotions from time to time. This can lead us to believe that we can relate to how it feels to have Social Anxiety; in […]

My Partner is Struggling with Mental Health Issues! What can I do?

A girl is holding a cat in her hands affectionately, displaying a loving bond between them.

This time of year is notorious for mental health struggles. Many of us suffer from some winter blues; temporarily kept at bay by holiday lights and festivities, they have a tendency to feel more potent in the early months of a new year. The holiday season may have kept us busy and bolstered us with […]

“I can’t end relationships” – How to Walk Away from Toxic Relationships

A couple is seated ahead of the car in front of their house, savoring a peaceful moment together.

We all start relationships with the best intentions. If it is a couple’s relationship, we hope that it will last a lifetime, one in which we will share many happy memories and adventures. When it is a friendship, we hope to build an unbreakable bond that will provide support and companionship during both the hardest […]